Tag Archives: backup

Day 35&36/365… Grrrrrr

Ugh, I’m again behind on my postings. Well, I’m not going to let that put me in a mindset that has me just flat out give up on this. So let me start with where I left off…

Wednesday was a lot more calm. I had my usual physical therapy then Fal and I went back home and watched a movie. We then did some art and that was about it for our day.

After Meta got home we drove around a bit and when it came time we picked Meta up and went to the mall to have dinner.

Yesterday was quite frustrating for me. First I woke up to my external hard drive not working. This was a very bad thing because that was where I backed up everything and some of my things weren’t on this computer due to lack of space/time to move everything over. After fighting with it all day I took it to find out what happened and was told that it was dead and it would cost me somewhere between $250 and $2,000 just to get the data back. T his was not the news I wanted to hear. Ugh, so now I’m without all the stuff that I had on that thing because like hell I have $2,000 dollars to get all my data off of that thing. Goodbye all of my pron… lol Well, now when someone asks “Did you back it up” I can tell them that I did but the backup failed. >.<

There was one very goo thing that happened. Meta cooked a very tasty shrimp fajita dish for dinner. It was just what I needed methinks.

That's my last couple of days in a nutshell. Now I'm going to go back to trying to find out exactly what I lost on that drive. I'll likely write about today later.


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