Tag Archives: bucket list

One Year Challenge: Day 9/365… Musing

I’m feeling much better today. I got a good night’s sleep and that makes too the difference in the world.

I have a lot on my mind today. One of these things is ignorance. This was spurred on when I was playing my usual game and watching others talk about this and that. When two people started speaking Spanish. I will grant everyone else was speaking English but these two weren’t even from the US (Part of the joys of playing a game on the internet for me.) Then this one woman started bashing them as if they were in the US and talking crap about her. (FYI they weren’t talking crap at all.) This caused an uproar in the room and got me thinking…

I can’t stand ignorance it’s one of my pet peeves. Yeah, I have me issues and I can be closed-minded too but I do my best not to be ignorant. That’s why I question so much about life. It’s people like that woman that make me realize how much I try to understand what I don’t get. It makes me sad that so many people still try to make everyone else fit into their own little box and if they don’t fit in then they’re cast aside.

We don’t like what we don’t understand and if we don’t understand it we are taught to fear it. They call it wrong or even evil. Why is that? I can’t be like that if I don’t understand something a try to learn about it. I embrace it not push it aside. If I’m going to call it wrong than I want to know why it’s wrong. How can one call it wrong if one doesn’t even know what “it” is? Am I truly that odd? Is this idea truly so foreign or frightening? How can we learn anything if we don’t try to understand?

All right I’m done ranting… for now…lol

I also started to write a kind of “bucket list” to try to see where my goals really lay. I know I want to travel the world and write but I want to be able to look at all the things I really want to do and start doing them.

Today was a rather productive day. I got some more writing done and got to try Basque food for the first time. It was really good but the cost of it was a bit much. o_0;

I think that about all I have to say for tonight.
See ya,


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Filed under The One Year Challenge Take Two