Tag Archives: rain

Day 30/365… RIP Sunny

A word of waning if you’re sensitive to the subject of death please be warned this post is mostly aout death.

Today we lost Sunny, our cockatiel due to a simple accident. No one was to blame for this she just jumped off the counter and fell to the floor. Meta and I thought she was going to be fine because by the time that it came time to pick Fal up from work Sunny seemed to be doing alright but by the time we got back home she was crashing. The worst thing about this is that there was no vet in town that could take care of a cockatiel that was open after 18:00. WTF? This is a large enough town to have at least some sort of emergency bird care place. I tried everything that I could. Hell, I even called a place in Davis to see if they could help (BTW that’s the closest place to take a small bird after 17:00 in the town and that’s 2.5 hours away >.<). After trying everything that I could came to the conclusion that it was likely too late and all we would be doing was prolonging the inevitable.

I realized that my sitting there just waiting for it to end wouldn't help anyone so I did what I could to just keep calm ad carry on by fixing dinner. After all we all needed to eat. Before I got very far with the food Sunny passed relatively peacefully.

I took this situation in a very typical manor. First I did all I could to help then after I realized that nothing more could be done I retreated to my own little world for a bit. Then I cried and now I'm just contemplative. I may have a bit of a strange way of dealing with death but I see it at it is what it is. I don't fear it but I don't completely understand it. Yes, from a strictly clinical standpoint I understand the proses but I don't know what it truly is so I question it. I ask questions like: Why dose the body weigh less directly after death? What really is a sole? Can we, as humans, overcome death? It things like this that keep me going at times of death. I don't see death as the end but I don't know exactly what happens to us when we leave our bodies behind either.

That's enough talk about death for tonight. In other news it raining finally and this makes me happy. Also we're still planning on going to Sac on Monday come hell of high water it seems. None of us believe in giving up just because something like this happened.

That's all I have to say for tonight. As I close I want to say:

RIP Sunny you were a great addition for our mismatched family. We won't forget you and the joy you brought to us. Thank you for the life you gave us now it your time to fly free don't forget tell us hi if we meet again.


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Filed under The One Year Challenge Take Two

Day 42/365… A Few Small Things And WTF Fal

Today wasn’t a busy day per say but I did do a lot of little things. First I finished re-watching the first season of House. Then I walked a bit but it was quite rainy so I had to go back in. I also got a few small chores done around the house. I really feel like I did very little but the day went by smoothly and fairly quickly so I guess I did enough to make the day pass…

Until I TRIED to make dinner. Apparently there is only one way to make goulash and that’s Fal’s way (for anyone who doesn’t know what it is just look it up you’ll see how many recipes there are just one the first page). So guess who made dinner tonight? Oi, I hate it when people tell me my way is wrong when they haven’t even given me a chance to tell them what I’m even doing. So yeah, I’m a bit pissed off. Way to go Fal!

Other that that I have nothing more to say.


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Filed under The One Year Challenge