Category Archives: The One Year Challenge


Hrmm there are two things that have caught my eye while looking at my stats. First this is my 200th post. This to me is awesome! It means that I am indeed using this thing. Woot! The other thing that I noticed the is that I now have more than 50 people that follow this blog. This is great because it seems that I seem to be at least somewhat interesting to someone out there. Thank you all for helping me keep this up.

In other news it’s apparently wrong to express ones point of view but then again that has always been opinion of those that would rather suppress than actually look at the facts. This time it’s about the feminist movements. Now this may come to some of you as a bit of a surprise but I’m NOT a feminist. Being a woman I have been told by some women that this is a total disrespect to all my “sisters” because I’m giving up my rights to the men. Feh, I may not be for this group but I’m not against them either.

I am, however, against suppression of any sort I believe that there needs to be equal rights for everyone. I don’t believe in stepping on the rights of others just for one group to get theirs. I refuse to support people who think that receiving rights means that they can call all the shots. This goes for any group be it the feminists, the NAACP or any other group that fights for equal rights. I’m not saying that I’m against these groups. I just don’t like people using them in their fight to suppress others. If I’m a bigot for these thoughts that fine but don’t go crying to me when your rights are taken from you just because you don’t fit in to the “norm.”



Filed under The One Year Challenge Take Two

Goodbye One Year Challenge

OK, that does it I’m done with trying to force myself into doing the one year challenge. I’m not saying that I’m done writing every day or close to every day I’m just sick of feeling guilty for not writing when I haven’t even been on the computer for the last few days. Why, because for one I have been busy watching anime and I have been working on other ways to entertain myself.

That’s about all I have for tonight. I’ll likely write tomorrow if I’m not too busy. Chances are I won’t be THAT busy.


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Day 39/365… Ugh

I don’t feel much like writing about my day today mostly because I’m fighting a bit with my own inner daemons right now. I know if I get into this I’m just going to be bitching so I say fuck it all for tonight. I’ll likely write more tomorrow.



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Day 38/365… An Archaeological Dig Through My CDs/DVDs

Today was rather quite but I was quite productive. I wrote a bit and I got a lot of my disorganized files reorganized thought I have a ton more to work on. I realized I have a lot of random crap in random places. I think I’m going to keep my files better organized from now on. I still don’t know all that I lost from my HD. >.<

I also cooked spaghetti for dinner tonight. We all agreed the it was one of my better spaghetties. Woot my experiment worked!

That's all for now.
See ya,


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Day 37/365… The Good, The Bad And The Mixed Day

Today wasn’t a bad day. It started out a bit frustrating as I tried to search for any of my lost music but I found that I didn’t loose quite as much as I thought I did. I just have to keep searching for some of it and this time I will back up everything on DVD as well as HD. >.<

After a while I decided to get out of the house and get some errands done. I walked all over the place and by the time I was getting a bit too hot I got a text form Meta asking where I was. Talk abut good timing! He and I then ate lunch. Then we went home.

The rest of the day was calm. Then Meta and I went and picked up Fal form work and Nikki was there. After that we had a good dinner and went home.

That's it for me. I think I;m going to try to get a bit more music sorted because I’m already being driven nuts with my limited play list… lol

See ya,


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Day 33 & 34/365… Closed On Monday Except For Holidays

Yesterday was a very busy but great day. Fal, Meta Nikki and I all jumped the pass and went to Sacramento for a day trip. First before we left we got gas and Starbucks. Mmm this was a good way to start such an excellent day.

After we got there we searched for a place to eat. While we were at home Meta and I did look up some places to go to eat but being Memorial Day a lot of places were closed. Luckily for us there was a pizza place that was open next to the last place that we had on our list. We had no idea what it was like but we had a limited amount of time before our parking time was up so we decided to try it. We weren’t disappointed at all. The food was great, the cost was very reasonable, and the food portions were huge! The bar tender was also very good to us though none of us got any alcohol. He and two other people that were just eating even helped us find a great art gallery to go to called the Crocker.

When we got to the art gallery we read a sign that said that it was closed on Monday but we were told that they were opened on holiday Mondays. So we went in and indeed they were open. I for one was super happy about this and after looking around for quite some time I was even more thrilled. This place was wonderful though a bit too much to take in in just one trip. By the end of it we all were a bit sore and thirsty.

After we got back to the car again we decided that we may want to try to head on home. On our way to getting back on the freeway we stopped at a park by the Sacramento river and took some photos and chilled for a bit. Then we headed back home.

Our trip wasn’t too long and was rather unplanned despite us knowing that we were going to go for quite some time but it was fun and very much needed. It helped inspire me a lot though it also made me really want out of this backward town of Reno. It wasn’t too costly and no one had much trouble with the amount of time in the car or how much we walked despite me getting a blister on my foot. All in all I thing it was very much worth it and long overdue. I hope we can do it again some time soon-ish.

Today was also a busy day. First Fal and I walked to get a bite to eat. Then we went and got me some new shoes. Then we walked to downtown because the stupid bus would have took longer than us walking. >.< After this we when shopping for some other art supplies. We then called Mete because we had just missed the bus and it was getting late.

After we got home I made this very simple Dijon mustard chicken that I had wanted to make for a while. There were a few WTF moments but the chicken turned out well and everyone seemed to like it enough to tel me to make it again. Woot a good quick prep dinner that everyone likes! The worst thing about it is how long it take to bake and that's really not all the bad either. I'd say depending on how much chicken there is 45-60 minuets isn't too bad. Besides other things can be done while the food is cooking because you don't have to sit there and stir it.

These last couple I have also been trying to art a bit more. I haven't made anything worth posting but I did take a few pictures that I want to try to post some time. These last several days have been awesome and have really helped boost my mood. Thank you everyone who has encouraged me to get out and about!

I think this is a long enough post so I'll bid you adieu.


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Day 32/365… Whoa

Whoa, today was awesome. First it started out with Meta and I taking Fal to work then after some time at home Meta and I did our normal brunch thing. Then we cam back home and picked Nikki up for a hike to bury Sunny.

When we got to the best place to hike to the spot where Meta was hoping to get to I took one look at it and thought “Oh, boy this is going to be rough” but it turned out to be really a great hike. I will say the “hike” down was a bit rough but worth it. We couldn’t get all the way to where Meta wanted to go because I got rather over heated but it was still a good hike and a nice place to put Sunny to rest.

After all of this Meta then cooked some kick-ass salmon and I made fresh mixed beans. Then we went to the store foe munchies and drain opener. Yeah, I know what an odd combo, isn’t it?

Tomorrow is going to be a full day too. All four of us are going to go to Sacramento for the day so until then.


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Day 31/365… Productive Day

Wow I hurt a bit! I spent a lot of today cleaning up the house mostly my room. This included lifting a few boxes that were a bit heavy for me thanks to my inability to much with my right arm for so long. This isn’t a bad ouch rather it’s a good one. I feel quite accomplished. ^_^

Other than spring cleaning I also wrote a bit today. Woot even more accomplished! Then Fal made this honey almond tofu dish. It was great but not filling so we all and a random dinner of fast food.. lol

After that Fal and I went out and listened to music for a while. This was fun and I really needed it and the weather was quite nice so long as we stayed in the car.

That’s about all I have for now. See ya!


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Day 30/365… RIP Sunny

A word of waning if you’re sensitive to the subject of death please be warned this post is mostly aout death.

Today we lost Sunny, our cockatiel due to a simple accident. No one was to blame for this she just jumped off the counter and fell to the floor. Meta and I thought she was going to be fine because by the time that it came time to pick Fal up from work Sunny seemed to be doing alright but by the time we got back home she was crashing. The worst thing about this is that there was no vet in town that could take care of a cockatiel that was open after 18:00. WTF? This is a large enough town to have at least some sort of emergency bird care place. I tried everything that I could. Hell, I even called a place in Davis to see if they could help (BTW that’s the closest place to take a small bird after 17:00 in the town and that’s 2.5 hours away >.<). After trying everything that I could came to the conclusion that it was likely too late and all we would be doing was prolonging the inevitable.

I realized that my sitting there just waiting for it to end wouldn't help anyone so I did what I could to just keep calm ad carry on by fixing dinner. After all we all needed to eat. Before I got very far with the food Sunny passed relatively peacefully.

I took this situation in a very typical manor. First I did all I could to help then after I realized that nothing more could be done I retreated to my own little world for a bit. Then I cried and now I'm just contemplative. I may have a bit of a strange way of dealing with death but I see it at it is what it is. I don't fear it but I don't completely understand it. Yes, from a strictly clinical standpoint I understand the proses but I don't know what it truly is so I question it. I ask questions like: Why dose the body weigh less directly after death? What really is a sole? Can we, as humans, overcome death? It things like this that keep me going at times of death. I don't see death as the end but I don't know exactly what happens to us when we leave our bodies behind either.

That's enough talk about death for tonight. In other news it raining finally and this makes me happy. Also we're still planning on going to Sac on Monday come hell of high water it seems. None of us believe in giving up just because something like this happened.

That's all I have to say for tonight. As I close I want to say:

RIP Sunny you were a great addition for our mismatched family. We won't forget you and the joy you brought to us. Thank you for the life you gave us now it your time to fly free don't forget tell us hi if we meet again.


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Day 29/365… Busy Evening And Cars Again

Today started out fairly quiet. Nikki and I watched a movie. Then I wrote for about two hours. This was amazing seeing how I haven’t been able to write much at all lately so I’m quite happy. Go me!

After Meta got off work he took me to Mother’s place so I could fix the belt after this we found that the battery was dead so I had to wait for Meta to pick Fal up and come over to give Mom a jump. After we got it running it made an awful sound. With the help of one of Mom’s neighbors we discovered that it was one of the pulleys that was the cause of this whole thing. So off to the parts store we went again. The cost of this project was $22 for the belt + 34 for the pulley and several hours of time. All in all I would say it wasn’t too bad and I learned a few tricks to boot. +10 in car repair.

This whole thin took a lot longer than I wanted it to be so again we ate out. All right you chicken I’m coming to get you tomorrow for sure. Lol

That’s all I’ve got for tonight.
See ya,


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