Tag Archives: travel

Day 33 & 34/365… Closed On Monday Except For Holidays

Yesterday was a very busy but great day. Fal, Meta Nikki and I all jumped the pass and went to Sacramento for a day trip. First before we left we got gas and Starbucks. Mmm this was a good way to start such an excellent day.

After we got there we searched for a place to eat. While we were at home Meta and I did look up some places to go to eat but being Memorial Day a lot of places were closed. Luckily for us there was a pizza place that was open next to the last place that we had on our list. We had no idea what it was like but we had a limited amount of time before our parking time was up so we decided to try it. We weren’t disappointed at all. The food was great, the cost was very reasonable, and the food portions were huge! The bar tender was also very good to us though none of us got any alcohol. He and two other people that were just eating even helped us find a great art gallery to go to called the Crocker.

When we got to the art gallery we read a sign that said that it was closed on Monday but we were told that they were opened on holiday Mondays. So we went in and indeed they were open. I for one was super happy about this and after looking around for quite some time I was even more thrilled. This place was wonderful though a bit too much to take in in just one trip. By the end of it we all were a bit sore and thirsty.

After we got back to the car again we decided that we may want to try to head on home. On our way to getting back on the freeway we stopped at a park by the Sacramento river and took some photos and chilled for a bit. Then we headed back home.

Our trip wasn’t too long and was rather unplanned despite us knowing that we were going to go for quite some time but it was fun and very much needed. It helped inspire me a lot though it also made me really want out of this backward town of Reno. It wasn’t too costly and no one had much trouble with the amount of time in the car or how much we walked despite me getting a blister on my foot. All in all I thing it was very much worth it and long overdue. I hope we can do it again some time soon-ish.

Today was also a busy day. First Fal and I walked to get a bite to eat. Then we went and got me some new shoes. Then we walked to downtown because the stupid bus would have took longer than us walking. >.< After this we when shopping for some other art supplies. We then called Mete because we had just missed the bus and it was getting late.

After we got home I made this very simple Dijon mustard chicken that I had wanted to make for a while. There were a few WTF moments but the chicken turned out well and everyone seemed to like it enough to tel me to make it again. Woot a good quick prep dinner that everyone likes! The worst thing about it is how long it take to bake and that's really not all the bad either. I'd say depending on how much chicken there is 45-60 minuets isn't too bad. Besides other things can be done while the food is cooking because you don't have to sit there and stir it.

These last couple I have also been trying to art a bit more. I haven't made anything worth posting but I did take a few pictures that I want to try to post some time. These last several days have been awesome and have really helped boost my mood. Thank you everyone who has encouraged me to get out and about!

I think this is a long enough post so I'll bid you adieu.


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Day 32/365… Whoa

Whoa, today was awesome. First it started out with Meta and I taking Fal to work then after some time at home Meta and I did our normal brunch thing. Then we cam back home and picked Nikki up for a hike to bury Sunny.

When we got to the best place to hike to the spot where Meta was hoping to get to I took one look at it and thought “Oh, boy this is going to be rough” but it turned out to be really a great hike. I will say the “hike” down was a bit rough but worth it. We couldn’t get all the way to where Meta wanted to go because I got rather over heated but it was still a good hike and a nice place to put Sunny to rest.

After all of this Meta then cooked some kick-ass salmon and I made fresh mixed beans. Then we went to the store foe munchies and drain opener. Yeah, I know what an odd combo, isn’t it?

Tomorrow is going to be a full day too. All four of us are going to go to Sacramento for the day so until then.


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Day 115/365… Road Trip

First off HAPPY EASTER! I hope that all of you who celebrate it had a great one. ^_^

Ahhh today was a fun day despite a miscommunication about a road trip that I thought (and from what I have been told Fal thought this way too) was decided at least av week ago.

The day started out with Fal and I laying in bed until almost 11:00am. Then I got up and asked Meta ans Nikki when they wanted to go to Tahoe. Meta then said that he didn’t know and proceeded to tell me that he felt that *I* just shoved this idea down his throat yesterday. This really rubbed me the wrong way. I was like WTF I thought this was the plan for a while. Why is the finger being pointed at me for the lack of understanding? So instead of everyone going on the trip it was just Fal, Danny and me.

And guess what? It was great fun even without half my “family.” Fal, Danny and I ate too much food, sang loudly and chucked rocks into the lake. Fal and I also took some more pictures. I got a bit overheated but I had a blast and so did Danny.

As a result of having the finger pointed at me after we got back I really didn’t feel like including Meta in any of the Tahoe. Why should I want to shove more things down his throat? If he wanted to know then he could have came along, right? This is how I get when I feel like I’ve been unfairly persecuted for something but don’t want to make a big deal out of it.

Anyway after that Fal and I picked Meta up to go over to Mom’s for ham. (This was far less planned than the Tahoe thing.) Yeah, I may have been irritated by his lack of understanding but I wasn’t going to leave him out of all the fun. This too was great fun. I got to hang out with Mom and Eva and chatted about many things.

All in all today was a good day. It just started out odd.


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Communication Is A MUST (A Bit Of A Rant)

So today I woke up believing That the whole house and I were going to take Danny to Tahoe and spend the day there but I guess I was mistaken. Instead my question of when does everyone want to go was met with what do you mean and I don’t know you just shoved this idea onto us yesterday.

I was like What??? I thought this was planned a while ago (and I wasn’t even the originator of said plan). Suddenly instead of feeling like the happy go lucky puppy I felt like the blame was being placed on me for the poor planning.

You know what I wasn’t the only one who thought we were going to Tahoe today. Fal too thought that was the plan. What the fuck, why was *I* the one who the finger was pointed at? I was just going with the flow. Hell, if you didn’t want to go then you could have TOLD me yesterday when I supposedly shoved this idea down your throat. I would have been fine with that. Why did you act all wishy-washy until the last minute?

I guess that’ll teach me to try to have a get-together. I’ll likely think twice before considering another trip like that. No offense meant but I just don’t like being the only one blamed for the lack of commutation.

Lack of commutation is one of my biggest pet peeves. I hate it when people don’t tell me that something is wrong until after the fact. If you have a problem with me then flat out tell me. Don’t hint around hoping that I’ll get it because chances are I won’t. I am a far more literal person that I lead on especially when it comes to commutation.

With that said I hope you have a good night.



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Day 17/365… New Year’s Day

So today Meta, Fal and I decided to take a trip to Tahoe. Yeah, yeah, I know going to Tahoe in the middle of winter?!? What, are you crazy? Isn’t there a ton of snow on the ground this time of year? Usually that would be the case but this year we haven’t gotten ANY snow in the valley and there’s very little snow at Tahoe. It was a bit scary to be honest. It felt just like a cool day in June! We took quite a few photos but I’m not sure how they turned out. I may post a few of them some time but who knows when.

After we got home I decided to sketch a bit and it turned out alright. I still need a lot of work but it was fun and I didn’t feel like trashing it afterward so I’d say I’m getting at a bit better…lol

Anyway I’m a bit unfocused right now so I’m going to go.


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Day 16/365…The New Year

This is the time of year where I like to reflect on the past year and see where I am now verses where I was.

In ’10 I had made six moves, lost my grandmother, had one financial curve ball after another, had an odd relationship with someone other than Fal that just didn’t turn out, an obsession with moving to Japan that I just couldn’t shake, along with a ton of other things that made ’10 a crazy year. It wasn’t a bad year per say but it wasn’t one I’d like to relive.

This year started out a bit crazy as well. With Nikki (one of my roomies) sharing a one bedroom apartment with Fal and me. I then had a bout of pneumonia in February and lead to a discovery of a blood clot in my right lung.

In April we moved into our current place with Meta. At first things were a bit rocky and none of us really knew how it all would turn out. There were thoughts of going our own ways again then of a few of us moving out of state and now it seems that we all are likely to move together no matter where we go.

This summer I spent a good chunk of my time taking care of Dennis and in September his suffering finally ended. This lead me to realize that there really is no reason for me to stay in this area anymore and solidified my plans to get out of this state (even if we can’t do it my the end of next year).

This year I also strongly started writing in hopes of actually publishing at least one book. This has also helped my focus my goals. I also have been doing a lot more art things. Hell, I even sole an art piece!

The last major thing I did this year is go is to CA to tie any lose ends that there was with Dennis. This was hard but in the end it turned out quite well. I god to meet quite a few good people and I had a lot of fun. Go, go good times.

In conclusion this year has been a year of learning and all in all has been an alright year.

As for my goals for the next year I want to…
Keep this daily post thing up.
Try to get at least a profile of all my major characters that I have in my head on “paper.”
Get this damn shoulder thing resolved or at least as resolver as it can be. (I’m sick of all this two steps forward and three steps back BS.)
Make a solid plan as to where we’re going to move. Even if we don’t get there by the end of next year.
Save up enough money to take a trip at least over the mountains to see the ocean.
Help Fal to be able to take a trip to CO to see her father.

I’m sure I have more but that’s my start for now.



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Day 15/365… In Cali Pt 3 (The Wrap-Up)

Sorry that I didn’t get as much written yesterday as I wanted but I was way too wiped out and to top it off I caught a damn cold. @_@ I’m feeling better today so that’s good.

Wed (the day I spend in CA) was quite a busy day it was also Penny’s birthday. It was nice to be able to spend time with her on her birthday. I know you don’t like a big deal being made out if it so I’ll just say once again happy birthday!

First we, as I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, scattered Dennis’ ashes in the Pacific at Half Moon Bay. Then we went back to San Francisco and went to the de Young Art Museum. I had a blast and we spent hours there. I love Museums and I especially love art! If you like art and are ever in San Francisco then I suggest going there.

After that we when back to the hotel for a bit (this is when I wrote the first “In Cali Pt 1”). Then around 18:00 we went to Richard’s sister’s house for crab. Richard’s family are very nice people. We had fun conversation that range form how to pronounce “Deacon” (it’s dee-cun not dee-con lol) to Count van Count (you know, form Sesamestreet?) being the best vampire and so much more. “One, one ah ah ah.” lol

The trip back was ok until I got off the plane. Then I had to spend more than 45 minutes just to get a but back home. There’s no wonder why I can’t stand this area. Things like that happen just about anytime I try to get anywhere in this town. Just another thing to keep in mind when thinking about leaving this place for good.

Well that’s about it for now. Tomorrow I plan to post the rest of my new year’s goals. I don’t make new year’s resolutions just goals. That way I don’t have wait around for a whole year just to make more. :p


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Day 14/365… In Cali Pt 2

Ugh I’ve been very awake for the last hour despite being quite tired. I don’t have to do anything until 07:00 but my brain doesn’t get that. I’m still in CA. I’ll be leaving after some breakfast and a almost hour drive to Oakland at 10:15.

I’ll miss it here. San Francisco and the surrounding area is my favorite area to visit after all. I love how green it is and it still nice even in the middle is of December! I so don’t belong in the dry climate of the Reno/Sparks area it just not for me at all. And yes, I got to see the ocean. I love the water! It’s still where I feel the most at home. I swear I’m part plant or something because I need so much sun and water… lol

This trip made me realize how much I really need to focus and make a plan to get out of NV. If I can’t get out within the next year or so I want to at least pop over the hill once or more to see the ocean again. It serves as a good way to help me keep my goals on getting out of Reno…

*Ring* What the!?!?! BRB….

That was Penny I better be going I have about 20 minutes before I have to go downstairs and meet with them for breakfast. When I get a chance to write more I want to tell you about my trip to an art museum, Penny’s birthday and dinner with Richard’s family.

Until then,


PS: I’m back in Reno and I’ll write more about the trip likely tomorrow but for now it’s time to play the sleep catch-up game. @_@

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Day 13/365… In Cali Pt 1

12-28-11 15:09
First off it’s likely that this won’t be posted until tomorrow but as I said I want to keep this thing up so I’ll post it when I get back on-line.

My day started at about 04:00 this morning when I woke up and packed for my day trip to go to CA to scatter Dennis’ ashes in the Pacific at Half Moon Bay. First I forgot to take to permit to take his ashes on the airplane but all was fine after a bit of explaining. Then after a very short time in the air I landed in Oakland and went to Half Moon Bay with Penny and Richard (Dennis’ sister and brother-in-law) and scattered his ashes in a very nice area where I know he’ll be happy.

Well that’s about it for now I’ll write more later if I can.


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Day 12… Whoa, Busy Day!

I wanted to make sure I wrote a bit tonight because I’m off to CA tomorrow and I don’t know if I’ll have net access for a day or so but I swear I’ll write and post as soon as I can. I’m really liking this daily post thing.

So today an old friend and lover of mine found my via Facebook today. We had a long chat and made amends. We seem to be back on the same page again and that’s good.

In other news I had a very busy day today. It started with waking up at 07:00 so we could drop Meta off at his work. Then Fal and I had breakfast. We then went to a bookstore and found a few books that we were looking for. After that we when to the mall to look for a video but had no luck. Next we washed Zed (Meta’s car). We then realized that we were quite thirsty so we went to the store a got some tasty beverages.

While at the store Mom called. Her car hadn’t started this morning and she was in a bit of a panic. So Fal and I went to her place to find that the battery was B-A-D bad and I then spent over $100 (don’t worry I’m getting reimbursed within a couple of weeks) and about two hours fighting with the old one to get it out of the car (yes, it was THAT bad) and got her a new one.

By the time we were done it was time to pick up Meta. Then we got home and I shortly started to speak to the friend I mentioned above.

So that was my day. It’s now off to bed for me for I have to get up at 04:00 and I’m not much of a early morning person. If I don’t post tomorrow I’ll post anything I write when I get back.


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