Tag Archives: reasons why I blog

Day 26/365… O…K…

Ugh, I hate waking up to stupid shit that I thought was over with.

Do you all remember my post that made almost a month ago about the “friend” how I was working with for the tailoring business but decided not to because he was treating my like shit? If not you can read it here (don’t forget to read the comments too). He’s back again and now seemingly trying t start shit again this time by responding to old news. I haven’t even mentioned him until this post because I thought it was all over with. Hell, I hadn’t heard form him for weeks. Why did he even bother talking to me again? I am really that wrong to write about my feelings on here? WTF?

Anyway I’m done ranting about this. Will you all please take pity on my now? Just joking. That’s what he thinks I’m shooting for when I post things like this on here. So why do I post on here anyway? Well, there are many reasons for this.

1) I like to keep a log of what happened and when so I can go back to it at a later date and see why I was the way I was and what caused me to act a cretin way. Yes, I a nut case and am OCD about this fact. Sure I can log this in my own privet place but I don’t feel the need to do so. Not with these things that I post on here. (PS: Do you think this is all I write about? ;p)

2) I do like to know what others think about what’s going on in my life and how I’m handling my issues. After all I can’t know if I’m doing that well or not if all I do is surround myself with people who are friends. After all friends are ofter on the side of their friends. Not to offend I’m glad to hear your opinions too but sometimes it helps to hear from someone looking in rather than someone on the inside.

3) Above all I SIMPLY LIKE TO WRITE. I don’t care who reads this I just want to get it out of my mind and onto “paper.” If someone likes my writing that that’s a bonus. If they don’t that’s fine by me too. Just remember you don’t have to read this if you don’t want to. It’s up to you.

In other news the rest of today was nice. I watched some TV and took a walk. It wasn’t nearly as hot as it had been.

My insurance also approved my physical therapy for my shoulder so again I’m going to be having a buys time of it for a while but it’s worth it. WOOT!

That’s it for now I may post something more tonight but I just needed to vent a bit. Oh, yeah I not supposed to do that because it makes some people mad. Bah just look at what this sort of thing does to me. I off to try to a bit of quiet time before we pick up Fal.


Oh and a good quote for this:

Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers. -Isaac Asimov

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Filed under Quotes, The One Year Challenge Take Two